Monday, April 21, 2008

Bill Buckley here

If I were to try to copy another writer, I would probably aim for William F. Buckley Jr. He has a style about him that is nearly impossible to imitate, so--I have to admit--a great deal of the urge I feel to copy him would be just in the challenge. In all honesty, I don't think it would truly be a waste of ones life spend time walking around in suits, talking in a vernacular that Webster's could hardly boast, and spending free time riding in Yachts.
If not William F Buckley, or possibly even his son Christopher, I think I'd go for imitating American Psycho author Brett Easton Ellis. While reading his work I think my id goes a little above and beyond its standard bounds, so being able to emulate that mindset more often would be enjoyable. At some point I think it would be a bit depressing to be "that guy" who tries to make college students think he's a competent writer, but we all have to do something to fill the extra time we have.

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